SUMMER PARTY this Saturday!
Great Island Common in New Castle
Pot Luck BBQ
Stop by anytime between 3 – 8pm
Hope to see you all there!
5 rounds of Rowling
*all penalty reps are worth double today, and the only punishment is air squats
Olympic wall squat series
A1. Box squats – 8×3 @ 50-60% of your 1RM back squat
A2. Bounding course
No rest between A1 and A2, rest 2:00 between sets.
Please have a good understanding as to the way we perform a box squat. Really wide stance to ensure a completely vertical shin. Box height should allow the squat just to parallel. Do not rock out of the bottom of the squat. Simply stay tight and drive through the heels.
“Rinse and Repeat”
E5:00 x3
20/16 cals rower
15/10 cals AB
10 dips
5e DB squat snatches (35/20#)
DB squat snatches. Whoa. Lighter than normal DB, but a much challenging movement. DB power snatches can be subbed, just go a bit heavier.
The tendency in this movement to slightly rotate to the opposite side of the bell. Focus on staying stacked and not allowing the DB to move behind the head. Take the time to practice.
Accessory Work
3 rounds
25 straight leg sit-ups
25 glute bridges
25 flutter kicks