WOD – Tuesday 11/7

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups or ring rows
10 air squats

Shoulder mobility

Weighted push-ups –; make them hard
*heavy 5 rep, 3 rep and ended with some heavy singles
Gymnastics strength. Total core engagement. Good push-ups. The weight shouldn’t give you an excuse to lose form. If it breaks down, you need to pull the weight. Quality movement is the number one priority.

“Look what you made me do”
4 min AMRAP
3 HSPU’s
6 power cleans (115/75#)(95/65#)
9 air squats
Rest 1:30, x4
One of my favorites setups for mini WOD’s. 4 minutes of work, 1:30 rest. Start right back from the beginning regardless where you end up. Make sure you work through the HSPU progression. Pick the most difficult scaling option.
Rx push-ups
Down dog push-ups
Decline push-ups with feet on a box
Piked push-ups on box
Scaled HSPU’s (1 abmat + 1 ten pound plate)
Score is total reps per round.

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