WOD – Saturday 8/4

Kristi wins event 6!!!!!!

Spend 2 minutes in Z1
Then, 3 rounds
10 air squats
10 push-ups
10 ring rows

The Port squat mobility session

A. Back squat – 5×4; 70% and up
B. Power snatch – warm up for the WOD
Building of the last back squat session, try to hit a set of 4 heavier than your heaviest set of 3.

The snatch is a simple warm-up for the workout. Do not need to get heavy but it is important to dial in the movement pattern. Make sure we are catching the snatch in a power position, slightly under the bar. Move your feet and be fluid.

“Minor League Prospect”
14 min AMRAP
15 T2B
12/10 cals AB
9 power snatches (95/65#)
This will be a tough one to pace. Take your time between movements and breath. When you go to start the next exercise, have your heart rate under control and your breathing in a rhythm.

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