A day that none of us will ever forget. Where we were, who we were with. At no point did any of us have a clue as to how big the attack was and how far the impacts would be felt. What a reality check. It is important to take a moment and remember the lives lost (almost 3,000) and the sacrifices made that day. And all the sacrifices made in reaction to it. Never take for granted our freedoms and the people that protect them on a daily basis.
400m run
2 rounds
10 kip swings/hanging leg raises/T2B
10 deadlifts
10 front squats
10 push-ups
Front squats – 3 reps every 1:30 for 12:00 total
*build every set
Every 2:00, complete
5 KB front rack squats with a :04 negative
5 KB front rack squats with a :02 negative and a :02 pause in the hole
5 KB front rack squats with a :02 negative
*cannot put the DB down until you have completed 15 squats
10 min AMRAP
10 T2B
5 deadlifts (225/155#)
20 push-ups
5 deadlifts
10 min AMRAP
10 laying toe touches
10 DB deadlifts
20 push-ups
10 DB deadlifts
Fathom – moderate length on the shorter side
Gear – not a sprint, but your pace will be much faster than yesterdays
Knots – use the transitions within this workout to settle down and catch a few breaths. As you are walking to your T2B, setting up for the deadlift, or getting into the push-up position. Do all of it deliberately as to give you a small chance to recover. Those places should be the only places where you take breaks.
Current – be respectful when moving to the rig and back to your square
Never Forget.