Friday – 7/23


The Port Golf Tournament
Friday, September 17th at Pease
Interested? Email Sophie for more info.

The Port


2:00 in Z1

3 Rounds:
10 Air Squats
10 Box Jumps
:10 HS Hold or Plank Hold

+ Banded Shoulder Mobility

+ Split Jerk Technique with focus on Catch Position


Split Jerk (5 X 3 w/ :02 Pause in Catch)
Keep weight light-moderate. Working on footwork and speed under the bar.

Burn Strength

Landmine Press (5 X 6e w/ :02 Pause at top of each rep)
Single Arm. Standing or Half-Kneeling


For Time:
21 – 15 – 9
DB Front Squats*
21 – 15 – 9
Handstand Push-Ups

Right Into:
21- 15 – 9
Box Jumps**
12 – 9 – 6
Handstand Push-Ups

*Front squat weight is athlete’s choice today. Choose a weight you can do unbroken.
**Box Jump, Step Down.

Burn WOD

4-5 Rounds:
20 Air Squats
10 Seated DB Strict Press
15 Box Jumps
20 DB Push Press


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