Saturday – 2/26


Last day to complete 22.2 and participate in The Port Open is Monday! If you’re registered for the online Open don’t forget to log in – – and enter your score by 8pm!

New Meal Service – Nutre Meal Plans
40% off your FIRST order – use code THEPORT40. To check out the menu and order use our special affiliate link –

The Port – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2:00 in Z1

Banded Shoulder Activation and Mobility

+ 2 Sets:

5 Hover Push-Ups

10t Scorpion Stretches

5 Ring Rows

10 Scap Pull-Ups


Muscle-ups (EMOM X 8)

L1: 1-2 Strict Ring Muscle-Ups

L2: 2-3 Low Ring Muscle-Ups – Feet below, in front, or just off the ground.

L3: 4 False Grip Ring Rows + 4 Ring Dips, Assisted Dips, or Push-Ups


Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Sets:


1 UB Set of Ring Muscle-Ups (Max 5 Reps)

25/20 Cal Bike

ME Wall-Balls in Time Remaining

Rest 1:00 Between
Score is WB each round.

Matt Fiore

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